2015 Will Be The Year Of The Blake Zone

HomeForumsPhoton PHO2015 Will Be The Year Of The Blake Zone

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  BlueDragon747 9 years, 11 months ago.

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    Well the first year of Photon is coming up. What a year !
    Thanks to everyone who has supported Photon & the other blake 256 coins in our system.

    Looking at the sneak peek video & photos of the game under development I think it safe to say more than a shotgun blast will be heard round the world when this gets in the hands of the masses.

    While there is no release date it looks clear to me (someone who is not a gamer ) this baby is going to fit in with and take the first person shooter to a new level of gameplay & creativity. Add in the use of cryptocurrency and this is a killer combination.

    The best things and the “real” things that have revolutionized gaming in the past (I am well versed on gaming history) all had excellent ‘playability’ at the core. Dressing with excellent and cutteng edge technology never hurt either. Throw in the coins and this is the sleeper that will awaken with a roar.

    Happy New Year to all in the Blake Coin Family.

    Bluedragon747 — We all await command to march into the BLAKE ZONE with you !



    hehe 🙂

    trying to get some balance ingame with some female zombies 😉


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