Flashing the Icarus FPGA with Impact

HomeForumsUser Manuals & GuidesFlashing the Icarus FPGA with Impact


This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Sidgrip 10 years, 4 months ago.

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    These are the steps I used to successfully flash the Icarus FPGA:

    1. Connect the jtag (Xilinx DLC9G)
    2. Power up fpga
    3. Start Impact “configure device using boundary-scan (JTAG)” click OK
    4. Assign Configuration file “blakeminer_FourGatexClk_3core_fmax-102.bit
    5. Attach SPI/BPI Prom click YES select “blakeminer_FourGatexClk_3core_fmax-102.mcs
    select [SPI PROM] [W25Q64BV/cv] Data width: 1
    6. Device Programming Properties:
    Select “Device 1 ( Attached FLASH, W25Q64BV )”
    “After programming Flash” drop down menu select “automatically load FPGA with currently assigned bitstream”
    Repeat for Device 2 Then click Apply and Press OK
    7. Program both Xilinx chip’s
    8. Program the “Flash” for both chip’s

    Now you can power cycle the fpga and the Blake bitstream will still be there.

    Icarus USB driver: Link

    I was able to figure this out by reading trough the post’s on Bitcointalk

    Thanks to kramble and BlueDragon747 for making this work!

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by  Sidgrip.
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