Lithium – Updated Wallet Build

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  BlueDragon747 10 years, 2 months ago.

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    Here is an updated qt wallet for Windows compiled with open ssl 1.0.1j

    I forked the Lithium Developers repo and made minor changes.

    I noticed a few very minor cosmetic changes that I think would help Lithium.

    I will push those later this week : cheers



    The source code of Lithium has been updated (myself and Bluedragon were added as collaberators on github to allow us to help with updates as we do with Electron)

    Review it here

    Updates include latest level db source

    Minor Cosmetic changes to client

    Added checkpoint

    Compatability for open ssl 1.0.1j also

    New wallet is available here

    I am still working on testing Photon and Electron will release these same updates as soon as I have fully tested and stable builds I am 100% satisfied with.

    Thanks to all who are supporting the blake 256 eco system and the Blake CryptoGraphic Society.



    nice work, keep it up! your contributions are much appreciated



    I released a new version with CoinControl

    this is useful for people that either send large transactions or have a lot of small inputs which has been known to create sending issues “Transaction To Large”, with coincontrol you can consolidate these inputs, set a custom change address, or lock inputs on an address if for some reason you dont want them to move from that address and I also added mininput again so you can define a set minimum input that gets used for creating transactions

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