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  • blc4life

    Getting back on topic, I could use some help finding a developer to complete this bounty. Please mention it to anyone who might be interested 🙂


    Ok, I don’t think theres much else to prepare for this bounty before publicizing it. BlueDragon, did you decide on who will be judges? If you feel ready, I’ll start posting about it to try to find developers and donors.

    in reply to: Lithium – Updated Wallet Build #935


    nice work, keep it up! your contributions are much appreciated


    I updated the first post of this thread with the info discussed so far. Also sent my 5k BLC donation to BCS. Can we try to decide on exactly how the milestones should be set? If each milestone is worth the same percentage of the bounty, then each step should be roughly the same amount of work. Although most likely it will be one person completing all the milestones, so perhaps the point is moot? Once we have the key details of this bounty ironed out, we should spread the word on twitter, BCT, etc to attract donors and developers. But before we do that I want to make sure we are clear on the goals/requirements and procedures.


    im a little unclear about your point 5. Yes, the BountySource thing is to attract new developers by organizing bounties for source code projects (it is not a general crowdfunding platform like kickstarter). There wouldnt be any organizing going on at BlakeBounties (tentative name), just bounty management. Is that what you mean? Secondly, are you suggesting that BCS should hold the donations for this initial bounty? If so, I would be fine with that since you are most trusted member of the community, I just know that I dont want to handle the donations myself 😛


    Zeke, you make a lot of good points. First, yes it will require trust in whoever handles the donations and i don’t see an easy way around that. However I think that having individual donors send their coin upon project completion sort of defeats the purpose of a bounty – which is to guarentee that whoever completes the bounty gets the reward. people would be less likely to work on the bounty if they do not know exactly how much they will get, some donors may forget about it by then or not have the funds they pledged anymore. I’m not ruling out the “pledge now, send upon completion” method since, like you said, its a fairly small amount presently. but I guess we have narrowed it down – either use blaketrader to handle donations, or have donors pledge and send individually. we just need to decide somehow. it’s because of these kind of logistical issues that a platform to handle bounties is the first bounty 🙂

    I agree with you that things have gotten a bit difficult to navigate for the blake community. I think BCS (this site) is intended to become the main hub. Having just one long thread on bitcointalk is not a long term solution – hopefully we can get the bulk of users to start using this forum instead. Also, as you know, I am working on a blake wiki site, so we can have a more cohesive and organized source for information about the current software versions, configuration guides etc. This will take some time to polish up though, but if anyone wants to help me get the wiki ready just let me know 😀

    Your last sentence brings up another point I forgot to mention – half the reason I thought a blakebounty site would be a good idea is to attract new developers and contributors. There are a lot of good people in the blake community, but only a handful that are skilled developers. although I’m a pretty tech oriented person, programming is something i never got far with, so im trying to find other ways to contribute to the community, like organizing this bounty.

    Yes, this bounty project may take weeks but the goal is to have it support all blake family coins not just one.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by  blc4life.


    I hadn’t realized bountysource uses coinbase, but am not surprised. Using blaketrader api is certainly an option, please tell us more about how that would work, especially the escrow. Does atomic trade have an api that could be used for this? Other possibilities would be to handle wallets locally, or maybe even multisig? Just brainstorming ways to approach it.

    in reply to: How to change Avatar? #850


    yay it worked! never heard of gravatar before, but that is pretty awesome.


    electron-coin, thanks for the offer, I think thats a good idea since you are well equipped to handle it. I don’t have a ton of time to handle all the details of this, but will focus on planning and moderating this thread. BlueDragon and I would be logical choices for being judges, but we should try to get at least one more person who can provide an educated review of the source code. I’ll match your contribution of 5k BLC 🙂

    Is anyone interested in taking a peek at the source code of BountySource to get an idea of the feasibilty of this project?

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